Thursday, June 17, 2021

Humpback Whales


Today our teacher gave us a task to learn about humpback whales, the year 6's in Whenua were in Naghere because the year 7's were at Polly Tech with William Pike.
Everyone in Naghere including the year 6's from Whenua made either a google doc or google drawing, I chose to do google drawing because I find it easier than docs.
Here is my blog post about humpback whales.


  1. Hey Ella, Mahdieh from Glenbrae School.
    This is so interesting and amazing and I really liked your informtion about your work!!
    Keep up the good work.

    1. Kia ora thank you for your comment! I really enjoy going through my comments and seeing how people like my work.

  2. Hi Ella my name is geneviee from glenbrae school i really like your work keep it up!!

  3. Hey Ella. I'm from Glenbrae School and I really enjoyed your poster, It has a lot of information about Humpback Whales. Keep up the great work Ella.

  4. Hi Ella this is a amazing work on whales it told so much about them.

  5. Hi Ella,
    Wow, I'm very impressed with how you put all the informations about Humpback whales. Keep it up!

    - Maria

  6. Talaofa lava Ella, I've seen many blue whale posters, but this one is by far the most detailed one. Theres extra facts, a picture, and a decent amount of information. Great Job :D

    By Soane

  7. Hi Ella, I like the way you have put facts that I didn't know about humpback whales. everyday I learn something new.

    Well done:)

  8. Hey Ella, Iam Mahdieh from Gleanbrae School and let me say that your information is so good and I really liked how you added some pictures of whales.

    Keep up the good work!

  9. Hello Ella my name is Victoria and I come from Glenbrae School. I would like to say that you have done such a great job with your blogpost about Humpback whales. I have learnt so much and I hope that you carry on the do the same thing by blogging great work.

    - Victoria


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.