Monday, April 8, 2019

week 10 Maths DLO

This week in Maths we have been learning know number bonds to 100.
 i found this easy because we just had to add on to make 100.

check my DLO then you will know how to do it if that is part of your maths.


  1. Hi Ella. my name is Sammi and I go to Grey main school in Greymouth. I liked how you spoke really clearly in the video. I did the same math DLO as you thats funny I loved the way you did a nice thing at the top next time you should do more questins on it. I just dont know what to say its so good

  2. Hi Ella. Its Hannah here from T4! I like the way that you have recorded your maths DLO. Its very helpful for people who don't know how to do number bonds to 100. I also like how you spoke clearly and you were easy to understand. Next time you could do more questions. Keep up the great work Ella.

  3. H i Ella my is shakeira. Ella this is really good i like how you I like how you talk you said it very clearly ella.


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